The New Urban Pole "Mustafa Ben Boulaid" Khenchela

Our Touristic Sites

The wilaya has many important natural tourist resources, as it contains a beautiful geological chain in the northeast of the Aurus Mountains, the most malodorous. This chain has the highest peak of the majestic mountain Shelia with a height of 2328 m. These are the cedar forests, which are among the most beautiful and best in the Mediterranean basin, such as: The forests of Bani Ujana and Bani Amlul. The forests of Awlad Yacoub, the regions of Wadi Al-Arab and Bani Berber. This wonderful natural selection can attract visitors and tourists.

Date of classification Location nature of the site
30/01/1928 – Quartier Tizkaraine – Tabardaqa – Wadi Bani Berbère (Chchar)

– Quartier Jalal – Wadi Al Arab (Babar Khairan – Al Walaja)
– Grottes fringales.

Naturel sites
03/11/1999 -Le palais des prêtresses de la commune de Bagay
-Palais Al-Jazia (Mausolée de Sidias) Quartier Awlad Izzedine, Municipalité d’Al-Mahmal
historic location

Classified Communes : (Executive decree N°: 370/98 of 23/11/1998)

– Hydromineral municipality of Hamma

– Hydromineral municipality of Baghai

– Municipality of Bouhamama Climatic

– Tourist municipality of Charchar.

Miniral springs

Hammam Al-Salihin

It is located in the city of Al Hama, which is a tourist-hospital facility about 04 km from the state capital.Respiratory diseases, skin diseases, chronic rheumatism…etc.

It consists of 46 shower rooms, 05 five swimming pools, 02 of them are outside, from the Roman era, 03 for women and 52 rest rooms.Its capacity is 700,000 people per year. What added to the beauty of this archaeological site was its presence in a wooded area with a distinct climate, which attracted many tourists.

In addition to the beautiful archaeological and natural site in which Hammam Al-Salihin is located.

* The chemical composition of the water in Hammam Al-Salihin: bicarbonate – chlorine – sulfate – iron – nitrate – magnesium – potassium – sodium.

The feverish station of the steam bath (Hammem el Kunif)

It is a steam station located on the commune of Baghai. It contains two collective rooms, a capacity of 4000 people annually. The station is also considered as having a sanitary interest: treatment of rheumatic diseases, skin diseases…etc.

Climatic station of the commune of Bouhamama

It is located 12 km from the headquarters of the municipality. It is located on the edge of Mount Shelia. It is considered as a leisure center and a reception institution. It has a hotel of 04 beds and wooden houses of 04 rooms. The capacity is more than 100 beds and 100 dishes. The resort is a suitable place for camping.

Roman monuments

The ecological archaeological atlas in Algeria lists about 175 Roman archaeological sites across the wilaya of Khenchela, the most important of which are:

The palace of the priestesses of the commune of Bagay
– Castle in the commune of Chachar
Al-Roumieh Palace in the municipality of Masara
Mausoleum of Sidias (Al-Jazia Palace) in the municipality of Al-Mahmal.

The strange cave of Fringel

This cave is located in the chest of Harikat Mountain, which has been classified since 1928 as a beautiful landscape that includes tourist monuments that form poetic paintings.